
Problem or Symptoms:

How to uninstall email and FTP acceleration for the DotSpeed Web Accelerator if you lose email functionality altogether
The Problem Affects or Pertains to:
All Windows operating systems
Solution Method 1:
1.  Click on the "Start" button


2.  Click on the "Run" button


3.  Type "cmd" (without the quotes) in the "Open" field, as shown below. Then click the "Ok" button

run cmd

4.  In the window that opens, type "c:\program files\dotspeed web accelerator" (without the quotes). It should look similar to the window below.


5.  Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard. you should now have the following screen:

cd done

6.  Now type "instlsp -u -s" (without the quotes), then press "Enter" and you should see something similar to the screen below:


7.  Now either type "exit" and then hit "enter" to close the Dos Prompt window, or simply click the "X" in the top right-hand corner to close it.

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